Mother Lode Shamanic Journey Circle
Mother Lode Shamanic Journey Circle began Tues. July 12th, 2016. We meet every 2nd. Tues evening of the month, 6:30-9:30pm in Placerville. It is now Jan.2019 and our circle is entering into its 3rd. most bountiful year!
Our circle is for people with an authentic calling to shamanism and a yearning to find their spirit tribe. Pre-requisite to joining is that you have basic journey skills. If you are relatively new to journeying you will find your confidence deepening with the support and kinship of our community.
Come together and discover and celebrate the hidden gold within. Together we will build a nurturing and safe shamanic circle where each of us grows closer to Spirit and moves deeper into our path of purpose. Let's pool our diverse gifts in bringing Light into our own lives, our relationships with others, our community and our planet.
$10 donation per circle. Contact Beatrice for more information. Address given on RSVP
If you do not have journey skills to join this circle register for Beginning Shamanic Journey Workshop 3 Weds. evenings in February: Feb.6th, 13th & 20th, 6:30pm - 9:30pm in Placerville.
Phn: Beatrice @ 530.409.2234 to register and more information.
(See below)
Beginning Shamanic Journey
3 Wednesday evenings a workshop that benefits beginner and experienced shamanic journeyers alike.
Feb. 6th, 13th & 20th, 2019 6:30-9:00pm in Placerville CA.
Photo by motive56/iStock / Getty Images
3 classes: $170 deposit of $50 to save a spot by Jan. 30th.
Contact Beatrice to register and information on how to send deposit: 530.409.2234
Join me in safe and sacred circle as we learn the ancient art of the Shamanic Journey.
With open hearts we will become a Soul Circle, supporting one another and sharing experiences as we learn to journey into the hidden landscape of Spirit.
Using your intuitive senses and powers of imagination you will meet with your personal Power Animal and Spirit Teacher. You will experience for yourself the deep love and wisdom of the Compassionate Beings who volunteer to teach and bring healing into your life. You will travel into the unseen realms of the natural world and deepen your relationship with Mother Earth. And in this process you will gain a heightened awareness and appreciation of your own natural spiritual gifts and abilities.
In this experiential workshop you will learn:
How to Journey
Meet with your Power Animal and Spirit Teacher
Meet and merge with a Spirit of Nature
Experience shamanic trance dance and soul song
Learn to apply shamanic skills to address your own self-healing and the healing of the planet.
Familiarize yourself with the imagery, symbolism and word play that form the language of the journey.
Share your journey experiences in the safety of a heart centered circle.
Step into Ceremony in community, in collaboration with the Helping Spirits.
Please bring a rattle, bandana or eye cover, a pen, crayons and a journal for drawing and writing. Wear comfortable clothing.
The workshop is led by Beatrice Pizer, a shamanic practitioner, teacher and artist who has been following her spiritual path for more than 30yrs. Beatrice graduated with a BA in Fine Arts from the Hornsey College of Art, London and received a graduate Italian Scholarship for Painting in Rome. While in Italy, through her painting and drawing, Beatrice first experienced direct channeling from Spirit. In 1972 Beatrice emigrated to the US and began her studies of in a shamanic form of trans-personal psychology originated by Roberto Assagiolli and became a psychosynthesis counselor, while also immersing herself in the eastern discipline of Transcendental Meditation. She received an interdisciplinary MA in The Psychology of Symbols. In 2005 Beatrice embarked on a 5yr.Shamanic Apprenticeship in Core Shamanism and Tibetan Shamanism, and during this time was initiated in Nepal by one of the 13 Grandmothers, Tmong Shaman, Aama Bomba. Beatrice has trained in Compassionate Depossession and Nordic Seidr with Betsy Bergstrom; Soul Retrieval and Medicine for the Earth with Sandra Ingerman, and is a graduate of Sandra's 2yr. Shamanic Teacher Training. Currently Beatrice has an active Shamanic Practice in Placerville where she offers Divination, Extraction, Soul Retrieval, Psycho-Pomp, Compassionate De-possession and creates Soul Portraits of brilliant color that embody the sacred intention of the Soul Self. These original artworks often contain images of personal Power Animals, or Spirit Guides, and unique symbols of spiritual significance. The final artwork becomes an intimate personal talisman infused with the energy and blessing of Spirit
Creating Sacred Space Within and All Around
Sat. March 30th & Sun.March 31st. 2019 9:00am -6:00pm in Placerville, CA
$150 ~ For up to 12 people $50 deposit by Feb.22nd. to save a spot
This class, or its equivalent, is a pre-requisite for any advanced shamanic trainings.
Be prepared to fall in love with Sacred Space. Deepening into our inner fields of Light and calling in the Directions is the foundation of the sacred healing work we do for ourselves and others. Sacred space is within and all around us, always….so how do we create something that is already there? We don’t. We activate Sacred Space with our love.
In this workshop you will learn about: ~ Opening into the realms of Divine Light and Love within.
~ Becoming a conduit of energy between above and below
~ Cultivating Right Relationship with the Spirit of Place ~ the Lore of Reciprocity and Role of Gratitude ~ the changing cycles of the Lakota Medicine Wheel ~ Initiation into a personal relationship with the Four Directions
~ Practice Divination for another with the 4 Directions
You will take a personal ceremony for creating Sacred Space that will grow and change as you grow and change, to ground, bless and energize your healing space, home, garden or place of work.
Shamanic Extraction
Frid. Eve. May 3rd., Sat. 4th, Sun.5th 2019
$175 ~ Deposit $50 by April 3rd. to save a spot You will be purchasing your own materials for creating a shamanic amulet.
Advanced Shamanic Training, pre-requisites: experience in shamanic journey with strong relationship with your Helping Spirits, completion of Creating Sacred Space class with Beatrice, or its equivelent. Contact Beatrice for any questions about necessary shamanic training needed for this workshop. This class is for learning shamanic tools for healing others, not for self-healing.
Extraction is a form of shamanic healing in which the practitioner, in partnership with their extraction Power Animal, removes misplaced energy. Shamanic belief is that emotional states, stress or habitual thought can take the form of energy that is then stored in the energetic body. We may also be on the receiving end of misplaced energies that have been sent to us, or hold energies left behind due to injury. For the Shamanic Practitioner misplaced energies, intrusions, are neither good nor bad, but cause impbalance that can lead to illness.
In this workshop you will: ~ make a shamanic amulet for protection ~ meet and merge with your extraction Power Animal ~ learn to detect misplaced energies ~ perform an extraction on a partner ~ learn & perform Power Animal Retrieval & Healing with Light
The Altar as a Healing Tool
Sat. June 8th 2019, 9:00am ~ 6pm
Using objects that hold sacred meaning for you, along with items from nature, create a unique altar brought by Spirit specifically for your partner, friend, or client, that tells a healing story.
This is an invaluable shamanic tool that can be used on its own, or to complement a Soul Retrieval.
In this workshop you will: ~ Create a unique altar using items from nature and sacred objects ~ Listen for the issue your partner is bringing forth for healing
~ Journey for a spirit led Healing Altar for your partner
~ Using healing words share the story of their Altar
~ Audio record, write & photograph the Altar for your partner to take home.
Shamanic Soul Retrieval Advanced Shamanic Training,2019
2 weekends ~ July 6th & 7th, 13th & 14th
$325. plus cost of materials for shamanic veil
Pre-requisites for this training: completion of Creating Sacred Space workshop, or its equivalent and Shamanic Extaction.
The Shamanic belief is we can lose a part of our vital essence as a result of trauma we have experienced in our lives. The Trauma may be emotional or physical such as abuse, surgery, an accident, loss of a loved one or wartime experience. In such times a part of the soul essence may find it too painful to difficult to stay, so leaves as a way of protecting itself. Resulting symptoms can be a weakening of vital energy, depression, a feeling that something is missing, feeling stuck, lacking in meaning or life. When soul loss is indicated, the Shamanic Practitioner partners with their Spirit Helper, entering into the hidden realms to retrieve and heal lost soul parts willing to return to assist the person in their healing and returning to wholeness.
In this training you will: ~ ethical guidelines for shamanic healing ~ how to work in an authentic way with each client as an individual. ~ tracking and healing soul parts in non-ordinary reality ~ practice performing a soul retrieval with a partner ~ how to use words in a healing way ~ healing with Spiritual Light ~ how to support your client with soul part integration and after care..
This training is not for self-healing but for healing others.
Spiral Circle
Shedding, shifting, shining....
A 6 month Self-Healing & Transformation Circle for 4 people meeting once a week for 6 months.
Shedding old stories, shifting the way we see things, shining our True Light. Spiral Circle attends to the spiritual aspects of chronic physical ailments, emotional wounding, anxiety and depression.
The work of the circle is founded on a series of shamanic journeys that address outgrown beliefs and deep rooted fears, bring fresh perspective to underlying causes of life imbalance, enlighten us to our unique gifts and strengths, bring us an embodied sense of connection with the natural world, offer compassionate support for ongoing, sustained healing and open our eyes to the extraordinary love and compassion of the spiritual realms.
What is a journey? The word ‘journey’ is a shamanic term for entering into a light trance so as to travel to a spiritual realm to ask for information. This is an ancient method used by shamans the world over for thousands of years to bring healing to their people and their communities.
In each Spiral Circle you will journey for yourself to your own personal Helping Spirits for guidance and healing.
Spiral Circle is open to experienced shamanic journeyers as well as those who would like to learn. A Learning to Journey Workshop is available to non-journeyers as a pre-requisite for the Spiral Circle. It is not necessary to have knowledge of shamanism to benefit from this circle.
A new circle is forming between June and September 2015, so please contact me if you are interested. I will be happy to answer any questions and if this circle seems right for you, I will put your name on a waiting list.
We meet 1 x week for 6 months.
Each weekly Circle is 2hrs. @ $45 (with sliding scale)
Learning to Journey Workshop is 2 sessions: Each session is 2hrs. @ $45 (with sliding scale)
Circles meet in Placerville, CA. Payment made in person.
(6 months is a significant time commitment, therefore an occasional week missed is taken into account providing adequate notice is given.)
Spiral Circle is an adaptation of The 6 month Self-Healing Circle originated by shamanic practitioner Paula Denham and her colleague Dara Harvey.